Monday, June 11, 2007

You Guys March Funny

I know quite a bit about South Korean's viewpoints on North Korea. I know more about North Korea than your average American, and I'm trying to put together a coherent post on something related to that, but I'm still working on the concept. I've found so many interesting pictures, and normally my blog entries don't have a lot of pictures, it makes the entry cumbersome. So do I have a series on North and South? Why not. Anyway, this is all coming soon, I'm saving pictures to the computer here.

My students have talked about this subject extensively. North Koreans are their family, they express. They really want unity. The students that say no to unity do so for pragmatic reasons, they can't see how it could be accomplished, and they don't want anyone getting hurt. Animosity that students have toward the US is often times North Korea related (or free trade-related). The US has been a force that has worked to estrange the two countries even further, I'm told. I have a bit of a fascination with North Korea, there is no other country like it. It's so small and so heavily controlled. It makes Cuba look like Disneyland,sponsored by Coke.

One thing I can say about this picture, I saw an excellent British documentary on North Korea, it was shown on the Discovery Channel a few months back, but here we get Discovery Channel Asia, which is not the same in the US. So, I don't know how many people at home got to see this, it was superb, so fascinating. Their military soldiers march like mad-men, I'm riveted! North Korean families watch on television from their homes (one channel, all government, all the time) and teach their children, "Look there's not another army in the world like ours. No other country has an army like this." They may be right.

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