Thursday, July 19, 2007

Say What?

Two days ago I woke up completely deaf in my left ear. Last night the pain was so much that I didn't sleep. This morning my helper came over and told our friends that live in the space in back of the house, and it turns out that the dad and the older sister of that family have the same thing. It's just nasal drainage that went down the wrong chute. So both these ladies got me some antibiotics and vics vapor rub. I sat over a steaming hot bowl of vics, and it felt great. Then I crashed out and had a comfortable sleep even though my ear still hurt. Ahh...

I had no way of contacting work, both my cell phones are inoperative and my numbers are stored in there also. I don't see why I should tell them anyway, they never tell me anything.

I've never had an earache or ear infection before in my life. While I was deciding if I would try to take the one hour trip to work to personally let them know that I was going home, my older son started barfing like mad. So that settled it for me, I wasn't leaving the house. My poor older guy, he's the glue that holds us together around here. It's so sad when he's sick. All three of us slept a large part of the day side by side on the floor (we always sleep on the floor local style).

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

OMGosh I hope you all feel better now. Its hard when the two "main" people in the house get sick like that. Wishing you well..