Thursday, September 20, 2007

Help! I'm getting dumber!~

Here in the Philippines we have a station called ETC that has all the insipid shows on, and some that I like (Parental Control for one). Usually I've flipped through the channels, landed on the Tyra Banks show and lasted watching it for maybe ten seconds, and then I exclaim, "I can feel myself getting dumber!" and then I turn the channel, my son laughs. BUT then something happened...

I got sick and ended up watching things that I wouldn't normally. It turns out that Tyra Banks does plenty of interesting shows, or um...interesting enough anyway. I've completely reversed my opinion on her. 1. She reminds me of my sister. When I watch Tyra, I actually miss my sister. They have the same personalities and mannerisms.

2. Trya's cool. She does a lot of things for people and she likes interesting things and issues. She's concerned about unrealistic body images and tackles that on her show. I like her.

I think that America's Next Top Model is her baby and she could be doing a lot worse than that. Of course, project runway is better, but...I like the choice of Carrie D for cycle 7. Man I miss Project Runway. I guess Tim Gunn is a huge star now. He was mentioned on an episode of 30 Rock. Someone told Tracy Jordan, "We have a surprise for you." and he blurts out, "Is it the gay guy from Project Runway?" We were laughing at that one. I think Tyra should merge with that show.

Speaking of kid and I are endlessly making up fake merged reality shows for kicks...and then one day I saw an episode of Miami Ink where they went and did tatoos at Orage County Choppers. We laughed.

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