Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Autistic look at the world

I know that this is in part how my son views things, even though I can't really communicate with him. He talks all the time, but...about "nothing". His brain catalogues things and then he wants to repeat his lists. Part of this ritual includes me or his brother. We HAVE to respond with certain words at certain times or he starts all over again, or throws major tantrums. I think that he sees himself as a machine- person. He's been obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine, I think he really relates to a machine with rigid clean lines and functions, but then it has a human face. My son is also quite lovey and wants hugs a lot. They are on his terms, though. Kind of the way a cat is.


Anonymous said...

It's about the tactile, isn't it?
Autistic kids are bombarded by stimuli like one might be on a roller coaster or in a 3-D I-Max theater... colors and sounds and movement being amplified by 100... simple activity like counting and listing or touching become the highlight of any moment. Am I totally off the mark?
I respect you so much, T. Your challenge will improve the lives around you, like it or not. There is no one more suited to deal with this struggle than you. I can recall (within our 3 years of close proximity) your empathy and understanding reaching above and beyond our age group. I presume this skill has been honed by your current situation and can only grow with time - hold on with both hands and never look down. From afar, D.

Unknown said...

Have you tried Son-Rise? it's about changing how you look at life, your son, others. They have a web site. or read Son-Rise: A miracle to Believe In (this one's online) or Son-Rise: The Miracle Continues.

MarT said...

iI will check it out Moi, thanks, and Dave. I saw this on a day that I needed to, what nice comments about me. I feel like a failure lately.

MarT said...

iI will check it out Moi, thanks, and Dave. I saw this on a day that I needed to, what nice comments about me. I feel like a failure lately.